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Regulatory Science Tools Catalog

The Regulatory Science Tools Catalog provides a peer-reviewed resource for use where standards and qualified Medical Device Development Tools (MDDTs) do not yet exist. These tools do not replace FDA-recognized standards or MDDTs. This catalog collates a variety of regulatory science tools that the FDA's Center for Devices and Radiological Health's (CDRH) Office of Science and Engineering Labs (OSEL) developed. If you are considering using a tool from this catalog in your marketing submissions, note that these tools have not been qualified as Medical Device Development Tools and the FDA has not evaluated the suitability of these tools within any specific context of use. You may request feedback or meetings for medical device submissions as part of the Q-Submission Program.

A performance-based method requiring controlled grasping, transport, and release of objects that can be used to evaluate upper limb functional ability.
The Virtual Family provides detailed three-dimensional computational models of the human anatomy including an adult male, an adult female, and two children
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This study demonstrates the application of gold-standard method of manufactured solutions (MMS) code verification to verify a commercial finite element code for elastostatic solid mechanics analyses relevant to medical devices. The Python/SymPy code used to generate source terms is available as supplemental material.
Recommended best practices for executing in vitro human cadaver fatigue loading and multidirectional flexibility assessment of lumbar integrated fixation device constructs.
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A finite element model of the human shoulder for simulating humeral abduction and calculating outputs such as contact force, contact pressure, contact area, stress, and strain.
Provides 16 mock intervertebral body fusion device (that is, a spinal cage) designs with three lattice structure implementations. Designs are provided in stereolithography (STL) file format so they may be fabricated using additively manufacturing (AM) technologies.
Materials Program Image
Conduct screening level risk assessments to aid in the biocompatibility evaluation of bulk additives and impurities in polymeric medical device components